Tuesday 28 April 2009

How to shop for a handmade leather sofa

I was tired of Ikea. Wherever you go, you will find the same handfull of designs. And they all have funny names. I wasn't looking for a Jörg or Kävlavik, I was looking for a handmade leather sofa that fitted exactly where it was suppose to fit. And guess what? It wasn't more expensive than a top-of-the-range model from Ikea. I also didn't have to drive two hours to pick it up because mine got delivered. If you are also tired of Ikea, here are two solutions: Buy a used leather sofa (that's NOT from Ikea) from Ebay - Or buy a new one from Sofaworkshop.com. There are a lot of free classifieds for sofas, check it out.


Anonymous said...

Browse our best collections of leather sofa furniture from casamodern.com

Anonymous said...

If you are looking for online leather sofa in contemporary designs, here is one I found that offers a comprehensive selection.